4 Common Signs And Symptoms Of A Tooth Cavity

Tooth cavities, also known as dental caries or tooth decay, are damaged areas in the enamel (outer area of your teeth). Cavity formation takes on many stages, starting with the formation of plaque, to the formation of tiny holes in the enamel, and finally, the infection of the inner tooth material. Since no symptoms are associated with the early stages, you may not be aware that a cavity is forming until it gets to its advanced stage when the pain and discomfort finally strike. If you can catch symptoms early on, you won’t just save yourself from the agonizing pain of a toothache, but also save the tooth from extraction.  Be on the look-out for these signs and symptoms:

Staining on the surface of a tooth

The stain can be brown, black, or white. Regardless, this is usually the first stage of cavity formation. Here, the tooth takes on a different color from the rest of the teeth. At first, the stains may appear as white spots, later on becoming darker as they take on stains from your foods and drinks. Teeth discoloration can result from many reasons: poor dental hygiene that leads to the formation of plaque, certain medicines, stain-causing foods, too much fluoride in the water, just to name a few. If you notice any of your teeth taking on a different shade, it’s a sure indication something is brewing inside the enamel and the dentist needs to take a look.

Tooth sensitivity

If you feel sensitive each time you eat hot or cold foods/drinks, it could be a sign you have a cavity. Although for some, teeth sensitivity can be a result of their naturally thinner enamel, for most people, sensitivity is a sign that the enamel is worn down and the nerves inside are exposed. The dentin, a layer right below the enamel, contains lots of microscopic, hollow tubes. When exposed, the nerves inside your teeth get stimulated and that’s what causes tooth sensitivity. Again, if you dread putting hot or cold food/drinks in your mouth, get a dentist's opinion as soon as possible.

Visible holes in your teeth

Plaque exposes the tooth to acids that eat away at the tooth enamel. Repeated attacks end up causing cavities. If you notice tiny holes or pits in your teeth, know that it’s time to go for a dental check-up. If you go early enough, the dentist can use a filling to restore the tooth’s functionality. However, if the cavity has already affected the pulp and the infection is not responding to antibiotics, an extraction might become your only option.


Left untreated, a tooth cavity will finally result in pain. The pain can be ongoing where it moves from mild to acute. The pain can also come on suddenly and severely, resulting in a dental emergency. You could also start feeling pressure as you bite down on food and as the pressure builds up, pain can set in. A severe toothache is usually an indication that the living tissue and cells in the tooth are inflamed and infected. This is generally the last stage in symptoms indicative of cavities. Unfortunately, many people wait until they get to this point before seeking help.

Now that you’re aware of the several symptoms of cavities, you need not wait until the last stage. If your tooth/teeth need dental fillings in Fairmont, schedule an appointment with us and receive excellent care from our dentists who have years of experience with a wide range of dental issues.

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