How To Prevent Plaque From Forming On Teeth?

Are you familiar with the feeling on your teeth when you neglect to brush them? When you run your tongue over them, they can almost feel fuzzy. That build-up is called plaque; it’s a type of bacteria that can cause cavities. To spot plaque, look for a pale or colorless material on your teeth. This stuff is bad news for your mouth—it can lead to tooth decay, gum recession, and gum disease. What can you do to prevent plaque from harming your dental health?

Change your diet.

Certain foods are the main culprits behind your plaque problem—put down sugary drinks, sodas, and candies to save your teeth. Did you know that some fruits and vegetables can actually remove plaque from your teeth? Fibrous foods like apples and celery have cleaning power along with their nutritional benefits. Finally, stop smoking! You’ve heard it before, but it’s worth repeating. Cigarettes dry out your mouth, which creates a breeding ground for bacteria—not to mention the damage that the smoke does to your teeth. When you cut out foods that are high in sugar and carbohydrates, your entire mouth will benefit.

Switch up your brushing routine.

The bacteria in plaque is acidic; it damages the enamel of your teeth and your gums. You need to form a strong oral health routine to combat plaque. A brush with soft bristles should become your new best friend. You might think that a brush with hard bristles would be more effective at removing plaque, but it can damage your delicate gums. Soft bristles are all you need to give your teeth a thorough cleaning. The longer that plaque sits on your teeth, the more time it has to harden into tartar. That’s why you need to brush twice a day for a full two minutes—especially before bed! Take your oral health routine to the next level by using a mouthwash, as well. 

Grab a string of floss.

When you brush your teeth, you clean the front, the back, and the chewing surfaces. But what about in between the teeth? To remove plaque from these hard to reach places, only floss will do the trick. Take a string of floss that’s long enough to wrap around a finger on each hand. Insert it between two teeth and scrape along each side—almost like you’re hugging the surrounding teeth. Don’t forget the teeth at the very back of your mouth, too! If you start flossing regularly, you’ll find that your dental check-ups are a lot less painful. Do you find it difficult to commit to flossing? You’re not alone; it isn’t the most fun or gratifying activity. Try putting your favorite music on as you floss, or use a floss pick to make the task easier.

Visit the dentist.

When plaque forms on your teeth, it eventually hardens into tartar. Unlike plaque, tartar is a yellow-brown color that can’t be cleaned using a regular toothbrush. It’s unsightly, causes bad breath, and can even result in tooth loss. To remove it, you’ll need help from a dental clinic in Fairmont. We have the specialized tools that are required to remove hardened plaque. A visit with your dentist twice a year will keep your teeth in top shape. The staff at Bonasso & Kime have years of experience taking care of teeth; visit our office today for cleanings, oral surgery, cosmetic dentistry, or emergency services.

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